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About BetAid

BidAid is an independently managed information site promoting responsible gambling and responsible regulated gambling services.

We provide information to help people make informed decisions about their gambling. We will help you to find out more about gambling and what safer gambling means, to understand and recognise problem gambling, and show you where to go for further information, help and support should you need it. We also provide useful tools and resources to assist gamblers of various levels of gambling activity.

BidAid is a leading online resource for responsible gambling resources and services. BidAid provide comprehensive resource information and links to a wide arrange of responsible gambling resources and Licensed operators with responsible gambling ethics. Our aim tis to provide information, guides and service and to promote safe betting and gambling.

The use of our logo does not mean that BetAid endorses a particular gambling product, company or brand. We make considerable efforts for extensive visibility on as many all gambling-related websites. The inclusion of logo and hyperlink to our our website because we to ensure to provide a wealth of information on services and support to aid problem gambling as well as guide regular gamblers to safe responsible online gambling destinations.